Austurstræti 5

Austurstræti 5 was designed as the main branch of Bunanðarbanki Islands by architect Gunnlaugur Halldorsson in 1945. It has in recent times housed offices of the bank Landsbankinn and a branch of KB bank, later known as Arion bank.

The ground floor and basement has been refitted as a tourist shop in close collaboration with the Cultural Heritage Agency of Iceland. Existing finishes were upgraded, former colours reinstated and a new spiral stair installed serving the basement.

Client : Drifa - Icewear
Architects : Studio Granda
Structural engineer : Verkfræðiþjónustan ehf.
Electrical engineer : Voltorka Hönnunarstofa
Fire consultant : VSÍ
Contractor : ÞB Verktaka

Awarded Njarðarsköldur - Shop of the Year 2015 

on site 15.05.15