An invited proposal for the monument to freedom and unity in Leipzig.

In October 1989 thousands of marchers peacefully occupied the ‘Promenadenring’ and it was their selfless action that catalyzed the fall of the communist regime.

One of the most gripping images of the event was the countless flickering candles and the monument is a tracing of the march of their flames. This locus of light is represented by a polished stainless steel spiral and is illuminated by 365 spotlights inserted in a path of granite slabs. The path is a model of the ‘Promenadenring’ and within it’s boundaries is a cornerstone corresponding to the location of Nikolai Kirche.

The peaceful revolution instigated the work but it also represents the free flow of ideas and events. To reinforce this concept, the work is cut in the area that is presently in private ownership. When the land is incorporated into the public realm the spiral will be complete, endless.

Client : The City of Leipzig
Architects : Studio Granda
Artist : Kristinn E. Hrafnsson
Structural Engineers : Efla
Cost consultancy : Efla